Avid | Pro Tools 1 Year Subscription - Education Pricing
This is a digital download, your registration code and instructions will be emailed to you immediately. All plugin sales are final. Please make sure you are choosing the correct product for your existing system and that you have checked your existing system's compatibility before completing the purchase. We do not accept returns of or issue refunds for any plugins, software, subscription plans or upgrades purchases. Contact us if you have any questions or if there are any issues with receiving the automated activation code, we will be happy to help.
Pro Tools Studio Annual Paid Annually Subscription for EDU Students & Teachers Electronic Code - RENEWAL
This Pro Tools Subscription, gets you a 12-month subscription to current Pro Tools software, 12 months of software updates, 12 months of Avid Support - must be renewed annually.
Education pricing on a Studio Subscription Renewal provides customers with 1-year of product updates and Standard support, Avid’s Complete Plugin Bundle (117 plugins), Heat, Melodyne 5 essential, Soundflow Cloud Avid Edition, Pro Tools | Sonic Drop monthly content releases, Pro Tools | Inner Circle quarterly rewards
When inspiration strikes, nothing empowers your creativity like Pro Tools. That’s why top artists, musicians, and audio professionals choose it for everything they do.
For musicians, composers, engineers and mixers that need to take their music to the next level, Pro Tools delivers the industry’s most powerful, comprehensive, and relied upon audio and MIDI toolset for expanding creative possibilities, commercial opportunities and maximizing efficiency.
Key Features:
- Simultaneous voices/tracks (@ 48 kHz/96 kHz/192 kHz): 128/64/32
- Maximum inputs: 32
- MIDI tracks: 1024
- Instrument tracks: 512
- Auxiliary tracks: 128
- Video tracks: 1
- Included plugins: 115
- Included sounds: 5.4GB
- Maximum sample rate supported: 32-bit, 192 kHz
- Busses: Unlimited
Eligibility requirements:
Individuals qualified to activate an individual license for Sibelius | Ultimate, Pro Tools, and/or Media Composer | Ultimate at education pricing:
- University/college students—Students enrolled at a higher education institution defined as an accredited, government-recognized public or private university or college (including community, junior, or vocational college) that grants degrees and/or certificates1
- Faculty and staff—Teachers and staff employed by an accredited, government-recognized public or private primary or secondary school, local education authority, or public or private university or college, for-profit career/vocational schools that grant degrees and/or certificates, and schools for instrumental instruction/tuition
- Homeschool teachers—Teachers as defined by local homeschooling regulations detailed on this HSLDA State Laws webpage
- Secondary school students—Students enrolled at an accredited, government-recognized public or private secondary school providing full-time instruction1
- Homeschooled secondary students—Secondary students schooled at home, as defined by local regulations detailed on this HSLDA State Laws webpage
For more information on Educational licence eligibility please contact an msonic Baltic sales person.
Payment & Security
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.