GLA-OP1 The Governor is an vacuum tube-based optical compressor that, – thanks to its dual slope design – employing two threshold points, provides the ability to maintain control over dynamic conditions. Its direct predecessor can be considered the dynamic control that used in the Bishop All-Tube Channel Strip, which, despite providing only a small portion of Bishop’s functionality, has become a notable institution in its own right.
The Governor is capable of operating in dual mono and stereo modes, with detailed parameterization. It allows for precise control over most dynamic processing operations commonly encountered in audio processing workflows. Due to its electron tube-based transformer output design, it can produce the tube boost effect known from the Empress Equalizer. Based on user feedbacks, we have made it optionally configurable with full-spectrum and high-frequency boost options. The device now includes a side-chain filter option and is prepared to receive external side-chain signals. Notably, the indicator design has been highlighted, providing a much more informative display compared to the classic VU meter solution, offering users a more accurate picture of the signal state changes, and the compressor’s two break points can be set much more intuitively with its assistance.
Main Features
Valve optical compressor
Dual slope Design
Side-chain filter
External side-chain reception
Transformer Output
Comprehensive meter section
Stereo and dual mono operation
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